YOU show up every day at Choices Women’s Clinic. Does that sound strange? I want you to know it is one of the biggest reasons we show up every day and unlock the doors at three clinics strategically located near abortion clinics. We know it is no small thing; it takes a village of faith! Let me share a glimpse of a day at CHOICES with you:
She’s 22 weeks by ultrasound and has a 1-year-old. She is a Christian, and her father is a pastor. She is 100% sure about her decision to have an abortion and is willing to travel out of state. She doesn’t want to get lost in “just being a mom” again.
She has 4 children and was raped by her manager at work. She doesn’t see a way out and fears losing her job. She is seeking help but feels like there is only one answer for her early pregnancy – by taking at-home abortion pills.
She is 17 years old and 20 weeks pregnant. She was raped and doesn’t remember by whom. Her father came with her and cried when he found out. She has a 15-month-old, and her father is completely overwhelmed. He is thinking of taking her to New York for an abortion.
She’s 18, works part-time, and lives with her mom. She is afraid to disappoint her by telling her she’s pregnant. She says her mom has high expectations and will likely throw her out or send her to live with her dad, which, in her opinion, would be worse.
She came from Columbia, has a 20-year-old son, and her family is back home. She’s 8 weeks pregnant and doesn’t want to abort. The father of the baby told her to do whatever she wanted with her pregnancy because he didn’t want to be with her, didn’t love her, and never did.
They are married and have a 6-year-old and an 8-month-old. Both miracle babies were conceived through IVF, and now she is miraculously pregnant. Although she knows the effects of abortion and has experienced the miracle of childbirth, she came to CHOICES looking for an abortion clinic. I am happy to say they chose life.
Friend, it’s what we show up for! I know from showing up every day that when we pray, God works! Our hearts break for what breaks God’s heart, and that’s why we show up every day. I want you to know that what you give, share, and show up for is no small thing! But the most incredible gift by far is prayer. Keep praying, friend!
Until there are 0…

Vicky Mathews
Executive Director