No woman wants to have an abortion. She may think she wants one when it seems to be the only resolve to her unplanned pregnancy. And there is no such thing as an unwanted child. Every day at CHOICES, you say to that woman and man who walk through our doors, “you are worth it.” Your gift speaks louder than words by providing the resources they need to be empowered to make a healthy life decision.
“Lauren” had been dating her boyfriend for several months. Both students at UCF, with graduation around the corner, Lauren said he was the right guy, but this was the wrong time. Like most students, they had worked hard and were about to embark on their inaugural careers. Fearful of telling her mom, Lauren’s resolve was to schedule an abortion. She refused the ultrasound, emphatically saying she was going to have an abortion.
A week later, Lauren came back for her STD test results. After a week of prayer, we were not surprised when the nurse asked her if she would like an ultrasound to make sure the pregnancy was viable. Lauren said yes, she saw her beautiful unborn baby, and she wept in the nurse’s arms. Lauren then said, “I am going to make a decision I never thought I would make.”
Lauren chose life and said she felt so loved here. And we are continuing to love her by offering hope and help. She has made a courageous decision to put her career on pause, knowing she is making her best decision. Her boyfriend supports her, and her mother, who she was so fearful of telling, embraced her daughters’ decision. In a few months, we will host a baby shower to show Lauren the extravagant love of Christ with all new items from one of our partner churches.
Your gift provided the relevant advertising needed to reach Lauren, who was seeking an abortion. Your gift provided an STD test which was the reason she returned to CHOICES. Your gift provided her with an ultrasound. Your gift provided a peaceful clinic environment and loving professional staff. And your gift said to Lauren and the 150 patients we saw this month, “you are worth it!”
Until there are 0…
Vicky Mathews
Executive Director
UCF Clinic
Occupancy Expected May • Opening June GRAND OPENING Soon After
Thank you for making history 700 in attendance raising $391,000