April 2019

I often wonder…what if we weren’t here. Thanks to you and your faithfulness to support CHOICES we ARE here. We are frequently reminded of the impact of a life that may have never been or the transformation of hearts from Christ-centered support. We will never fully comprehend here on earth the impact of our financial gift, the Gospel shared, or the value of speaking life. Sometimes we are blessed to see a glimpse of heaven on earth!
“Katie” and “Steve” had been to the late term abortion clinic twice. Convinced it wasn’t the right time for a baby and relationship issues this mom had even tried to self-abort at home. That day she saw John Barros outside the clinic again. Again, John preached a sermon from the sidewalk she could hear on the inside. Soon after they came out saying they couldn’t stay there. John referred them and off to CHOICES they came.

Katie connected to the volunteer advocate who was the only person that day who could speak her language. It was not a coincidence that the volunteers’ life many years ago mirrored Katie’s situation. As our volunteer shared her testimony and faith, not only did Katie break down in tears but so did the other volunteer advocate in the room who didn’t even understand the language being spoken. Katie continued to cry and say thank you for not judging her.

Coming from a Jehovah Witness background, Katie heard the hope of the Gospel and prayed to receive Christ as her Lord and Savior. She was so beautifully broken and received all the tender care of the staff and volunteers. When Katie and Steve saw their baby on the ultrasound, they were overjoyed that their 16-week baby was fine and active.

Your gift impacts lives in ways you may never fully know here on earth. Thank you for trusting us and know we will never take that for granted. Thank YOU for your investment in CHOICES so lives like this couple can remind us all of a glimpse of heaven on earth!

Until there are 0…

History Making WALK Raised $277,000! Please pray as we continue to find a location at UCF!

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