Dear Friends of Choices,
EVERYDAY women walk through our doors considering abortion. EVERYDAY we offer hope, truth and the resources they need to make a healthy decision
for themselves and their baby. EVERYDAY your gift is making a lifesaving difference in our city!
“Hannah” showed up recently at Orlando Women’s Center late term abortion clinic from Jacksonville. Raising the two children she had and a non-committed relationship was causing her to believe abortion was her only option. Her friend “Susan” decided to stay outside and talk with John Barros, 6-year sidewalk evangelist. John shared the Gospel and after some soul searching “Susan” prayed to receive Christ.
With her new found faith “Susan” decided to go into the clinic to rescue her friend waiting to have the abortion. “Hannah” and “Susan” left the clinic and came to us for a pregnancy confirmation and an ultra sound. Our volunteer advocate shared the Gospel with “Hannah” and she also came to faith in Jesus as her Lord and Savior that day.
Then “Hannah” saw her baby on the big screen through an ultrasound. She wept as she saw the life that God created and the plan that He has for her and her baby. She also chose LIFE for her baby.Through this divine appointment, your gift, partnerships with John and our team of medical staff and volunteers, three lives were saved!
We are committed and continuing to work towards our 2016 relocation to partner closely with John Barros near the abortion clinic to serve more women at risk. EVERDAY you are a part of the solution and EVERDAY your gift is changing hearts and saving lives!
Thank YOU for your generous support. We are making a difference in our city!
LIFE Matters,
Vicky Botsford
Executive Director