During this COVID crisis there are lots of needs and lots of places to give. Thank you for choosing CHOICES so many can literally have a choice. Each day we see moms and dads with an unexpected pregnancy considering abortion and remind ourselves that His Word never ever returns void. We don’t always know the immediate and future outcome of a decision and a life changed, but we trust in every heart cry, every prayer and every seed sown.
Our prayer board in our special Intercessors Room is filled weekly with names and scenarios that are real for those considering abortion. Answered prayer is sometimes seen immediately in a changed mind, a choice for life, or salvation in Christ. And sometimes it is not. Sometimes we don’t know until a mom walks in with her baby to say, “thank you so much”.
“Brittany” was a patient 1 year ago and her pregnancy test was negative. She seemed hard to communicate with, not particularly open in the beginning, with a lot of hardships. The volunteer advocate shared Jesus with her and that day she bowed her head, asked for forgiveness for her sins, and prayed to receive Christ as her Lord and Savior. She left here with a different countenance and a Bible in her hand.
A few weeks ago, Brittany came in with her boyfriend. Would you believe it if I told you she just happened to show up on the one day the same advocate was here to serve as a volunteer she had seen a year ago? No coincidences happen here at CHOICES! Brittany took the opportunity to hug and thank our volunteer for having led her to the Lord. She said people in her family had been sharing with her for years but there was something about the way Kim shared the truth with her that got her attention that day.
Since that time, she has been reading the Bible and growing in Christ. She and her boyfriend are now expecting a baby, planning a wedding and looking for a church home. The beauty of a life being transformed and your gift at work with answered prayer.
May we never grow weary in well doing as we walk in faith to see His purposes unfold here as in heaven. As you can see, we have many prayers to offer up on our prayer board. Thank YOU for your partnership in sowing and reaping as we push back the darkness and speak life!

Vicky Mathews
Executive Director
Demolition took place June 10th
STAY TUNED for Ground Breaking soon!
Virtual Benefit • October 8th
Exciting Details to Come