“Stephanie” came directly from the abortion clinic with the misunderstanding that we were a “better” abortion clinic. She was determined when she came in that abortion was her only option.
She was scheduled later that week to go to a foreign country for a year to teach English as a second language and her boyfriend was stationed in Iraq. At 30 years old, she had never had children, although she definitely wanted them some day. “Stephanie” said she would be kicked out of the work program for being pregnant and she was adamant about having an abortion.
Like some of the women we see, she was too early in her pregnancy for an ultrasound. Typically we do all we can to schedule them to come back, but “Stephanie” was leaving for a foreign country in 2 days. After our Volunteer Advocate had shared her own testimony of abortion, “Stephanie” left and we got busy doing the only thing we knew to do…PRAY!
Although we were unable to contact “Stephanie”, the Lord continued to put her on our hearts. Six weeks later we received a surprise phone call. She told us she did make it to India but she came back. She wanted us to know she did not have the abortion and has decided to have her baby.
YOUR gifts and partnership are offering women and men a real choice – a healthy choice – and allowing us to share the love of Christ that compels us. No matter how it looks at some points, we pray and our Father sends us sweet surprises!
Vicky Mathews
Executive Director
Hyatt Regency with Featured Speaker
The Radiance Foundation
National Speaker & Advocate
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