August 2019

Every day we see women and men seeking an abortion and every day we see the Lord working on the front line. YOUR gifts allow us to be ready every day for every divine appointment that walks through our doors! YOUR participation literally can mean life and death both physically and eternally.

“Susan” walked through our doors, 26, alone, a single mom of a 4-year-old. She found us on Google looking for an abortion. Believing she was not ready for another child, Susan felt this was her best option. Although she had an abortion a few years ago, she was unaware of the potential health risks even though she understood the after effects of abortion.

That particular day Susan met with one of our new volunteer advocates. As Susan talked about her loneliness, Christine mentioned someone she could always talk to, always turn to and will always be with her. Susan wanted to know more about Jesus and having a relationship with Him. After Christine shared, Susan said she wanted to know how to have that and was led in a beautiful prayer of salvation.

When the ultrasound was done and Susan saw her beautiful baby, she could no longer consider abortion. She left CHOICES that day with a decision to carry her baby and a new relationship with Jesus who will never leave her nor forsake her. As Christine shared the story with us tears were rolling down her cheeks as she said, “Thank you for allowing me to be a volunteer at CHOICE.”

Every day…every single one who walks through our doors sees the work of the Lord, including our faithful volunteers. I hope and pray you see that too through this testimony. Together we are agents of change for the Gospel, loving well and often blessed to see it right before our eyes. Thank you for your faithful partnership!

I hope you heard the GOOD NEWS! We have a contract on a premier property 1.3 miles from UCF campus on Carrigan and Alafaya. Please join us in prayer and support during this strategic time! You will find all the details at

Until there are 0…


  • RESERVE YOUR SEAT • October 17, 2019
  • Benefit Dinner • Celebrating 35 Years
  • JOIN US FOR THE UCF CAMPAIGN Phase 1 100 Days to $400,000

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