Some things in life make us cry! To know that 78% this year have chosen LIFE is no small victory for the Kingdom, but the reality is not every woman and man who walks through our doors leaves with a fairy tale ending. With that comes tears of anguish as well as tears of joy. Thank YOU for bringing happy tears to one mom and dad I have to share with you.
Newly married and knowing this was not the right time to have a baby, “Randy and Laura” chose abortion. Looking for a “safe” abortion, they found CHOICES, saw our remarkable Google reviews, and made an appointment. They felt nervous and scared. The thought of terminating their child’s life was not what they wanted to do, but it was what they had to do.
After taking a look at all of their options, they were offered an ultrasound. Although this couple had twins on both sides of the family, they never even imagined having twins. But you guessed it – the ultrasound revealed not one life but two. We hadn’t even asked how they felt about seeing twins when the tears began to flow.
Randy and Laura knew that this was no mistake and that abortion was no longer an option. They asked for several pictures of their babies, and mom said, “I think I love them already.” Their CHOICES Advocate cried. Their CHOICES Nurse cried. Randy and Laura called their mom and sister and shared the news, and they cried.

What they thought they wanted most, the tragic decision that could have been made, was no longer a reality. This couple left CHOICES with smiles on their face, tears in their eyes, a lot of pictures, and two precious hearts still beating. Randy and Laura had a destiny moment, one they will never forget. They hugged us, thanked us, and allowed us to pray for them.
I often ask this question: What would have happened to this couple at an abortion clinic? Because of your partnership and your prayers, they found CHOICES and chose LIFE! Thank you for a beautiful new clinic that speaks His love and serves with excellence as we experience the destiny moments every single day.
In our first full month of operations at our UCF clinic, we saw 56 new patients, 46 were pregnant, 37 chose life for their baby, and 5 chose new life in Jesus as their Savior. That is a lot of life! LIFE that would not happen without you!
Until there are 0…
Vicky Mathews
Executive Director
2021 Benefit Dinner • October 12th
With KEVIN SORBO from God’s Not Dead
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