We all know there is NO such thing as an unwanted baby. The culture of celebrating abortion and killing children is not a win. Still, we know WHO ultimately wins, and YOU help life win through your generous partnership to see women and men like “Lily” and “Andy” make healthy choices.
20-year-old Lily came to CHOICES seeking an abortion, believing she and her boyfriend were too young to have a baby. At her first visit, the ultrasound was inconclusive because she was too early. Our nurse called her soon after with the confirmed ultrasound report, and Lily said she had an abortion scheduled for the next day at Planned Parenthood.
Our nurse offered her another ultrasound before she went to the clinic and asked her if she wanted to bring her boyfriend, knowing how crucial the dad can be in the decision-making process. Sadly, a common occurrence is for the dad to say, “It’s your decision, and I will support whatever you decide.”
Lily canceled her appointment for the following day at Planned Parenthood, intending to reschedule and brought Andy for her appointment at CHOICES. As their nurse discussed the viability of the pregnancy before rescheduling their abortion, she felt led to go a little deeper. She looked at Andy and said, “What is it you are hoping to see today”? He looked down, hesitated, and then quietly said, “A heartbeat.”
Her next question was, “And if you see a heartbeat, what would that mean to you”? Again, tentatively and hesitantly, he said, “I would be a dad.” His words changed everything. The nurse performed the scan, and their beautiful baby’s heartbeat was strong. She shared her testimony, empowerd them with resources, and offered to pray.
Andy and Lily left with pictures they were proud to show off. On his way out, Andy said, “I can’t thank you enough. What would have happened if we didn’t come here?” Since that day, their families have been celebrating, and Lily has found a doctor for prenatal care. Now, they can’t imagine any other choice and are grateful for you and CHOICES.
Thank you for winning for LIFE! Your investment is everything. I love seeing a father’s heart and knowing that our Father chooses to use us to be a part of his victory. Please plan to join us on October 12th for our Benefit Dinner, where you will hear Phillip and Carlota’s story of the Lord transforming a heart to say YES to being a dad!

Until there are 0…
Vicky Mathews
Executive Director
2021 Benefit Dinner • October 12th
With KEVIN SORBO from God’s Not Dead
Make your reservation for this special
Invitation Only Event at