I have always loved that Choices Women’s Clinic serves in a mission field created by abortion. Have you ever considered how far and wide your outreach and impact extends at CHOICES? With 123 million tourists last year alone and so many moving here daily from other states and countries, you truly impact the world.
“Omer” moved from his homeland of Turkey eight years ago to start a small business and make a better life for himself and his family. One year ago, his wife “Isra” came to join him. Although Isra is homesick for her country and their family, she knew it was important to be here, with her husband, to raise their eight-month-old daughter. Omer working endless hours, a teething baby, anemia issues, and a lack of citizenship for Isra was utterly overwhelming. Isra could not imagine how she could have another baby right now. And Omer secretly could not imagine how they could NOT.
Although they grew up in the Muslim faith, both were interested in learning more about Christianity when they arrived at CHOICES. They heard the Gospel, accepted a Bible, and genuinely wanted to understand more because they “believe in God”. Their ultrasound was too early to show viability, so they made a return appointment for one week later.
When Omer and Isra returned the following week, the ultrasound revealed their beautiful preborn child! Even though Omer had said on the first visit that he just wanted Isra to be happy, he adamantly wanted this baby. When the CHOICES advocate shared her story of her two children being close in age, Isra’s heart began to soften.
“Omer” said, I think we are excited!” and Isra said, “I think we can do this.” Together, they expressed their gratitude for having found CHOICES and the difference we made in their lives. Though they did not pray to receive Christ that day, we were able to continue conversations about Jesus, and we do not doubt that God will continue to pursue them. Omer thanked us at least a million times on the way out the door as he carried his daughter on his shoulders.
This couple needed all we had. They needed to find us when searching for an abortion. They needed to know that although it didn’t feel doable right now for this tired mama, her children may be best friends. They needed to know they could do this and would never regret it. They needed to hear that Jesus is pursuing them as we watch Him plants seeds in their hearts. As we meet the world in Central Florida, it is so profound to think of how your investment in CHOICES helps save lives that will impact the world.
Until there are 0…
Vicky Mathews
Executive Director
Standing on the Promises
November 12th anytime from 2 to 5pm
Kissimmee Clinic, 213 Oak Street