October 2020

Your gift to CHOICES saves lives, gives hope, and waters seeds of faith. Your partnership helps us reach those that are considering abortion, sharing the grace and love of Christ who has the power to redirect a person’s decisions.

“Susan”, a mother of two, was at the abortion clinic nearby, showing up before they opened. Her husband is currently in jail. She has been praying for reconciliation but was anxious to have an abortion. After talking with the sidewalk evangelist at the clinic, she decided she would come directly to CHOICES. She couldn’t imagine how she COULD have an abortion or how she could NOT. She believes abortion is wrong but she was scared, lonely, and wondering how she would make ends meet. After seeing her baby on the ultrasound, praying with our advocate, and being reminded of God’s grace and provision, she chose life!

“Tina” was at the same abortion clinic and never made it to the front door. She believed abortion was going to be the answer as she was nervous, in a new relationship, working to make ends meet, and the divorced mother of a 5-year-old. When referred to CHOICES, she began to cry and couldn’t believe there was a place that would provide services at no charge. After praying in the clinic parking lot, Tina also came directly to CHOICES, saw her 10-week baby on the ultrasound, and chose life!
“Lisa” and “Dan” were walk-ins after finding us on Google looking for an abortion. They are parents of two and are concerned about her pregnancy health risks. After seeing her baby on the ultrasound and encouraging their newfound faith in the Lord, they chose life, believing God will continue to take care of them.

One morning, three babies’ lives saved, moms and dads saved from the devastation and despair of abortion. You deposit seeds of faith and hope in over 100 women who walk through our doors monthly. This year so far, we have seen 835 moms chose life, and 57 women who have prayed to receive Jesus!

During this month of thankfulness, we are incredibly grateful for you as we change our city together!



Thank you for helping us meet
our match RAISING $383,000


Join Us Nov. 6, 9:30-11 am at CHOICES

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