September 2020

THANK YOU for your prayers, your investment, and your heart to save lives. Every day we get up and face these uncertain times and open our doors and our hearts to the Fathers plan for each one who walks through them. Our assignment and our days are filled with heartache as well as praises as we together walk by faith.

“Melissa,” who is 16, came with her 17-year-old boyfriend “Joe”. Melissa was beside herself when she found out she was pregnant and took one of her friends left over abortion pills.Tragically, when the nurse did the ultrasound,it revealed she was having a miscarriage. Melissa and Joe wept over their decision, the life lost, and the profound consequences of their rash decision. It was too late to reverse her decision, but not too late to become a part of the story…to share in their grief and sorrow, to offer the hope that can only be found in Jesus.

“Angela” called from an abortion clinic. She had made an appointment but they did not have her in their system and were too busy to take her as a walk in. Devastated she could not have her abortion she desperately googled “abortion” and calledCHOICES. The best way to describe the outcome is to share her Exit Survey comments:
“This appointment was nothing like I expected. I was absolutely blown away by the level of compassion and concern these women expressed towards me. I have never felt more comfortable and welcomed by complete strangers with something so personal. I would recommend this clinic to any woman who is or could be pregnant to weigh out their options and gain knowledge. I sincerely want to thank these amazing women.”
Angela has chosen LIFE for her pre-born baby and life for herself as she courageously walks out her decision!

Thank you for opening our doors to every assignment like Melissa, Joe and Angela and offering hope and redemption to every single person the Lord sends our way! Your gift has helped us reach 133 new patients this month and 75% who have chosen LIFE!

Please join us for our VIRTUAL BENEFIT October 8th. You don’t want to miss this 30-minute online event to celebrate the hundreds of lives YOU have saved. Join us by REGISTERING at today!



Virtual Benefit • October 8th

Register and share with your friends

7:30 pm to 8:00 pm

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