Orlando happens to be an “abortion destination”. With 68 million tourist a year we are the home to 4 late term abortion clinics doing abortions through 6 months of pregnancy. Routinely people drive to one of these clinics from other states in the south to get a 2nd trimester abortion.
“Brad” and “Sherry” drove here recently from Atlanta. They were sent by their doctor and she was 23 weeks pregnant. Sherry is a nurse and seemed shocked when she showed up at OWC wondering about the quality of care and expecting something very different than a “shady” abortion clinic. She has trisomy 18, Edwards syndrome which many times results in early death of the baby if they are born alive. This is often lethal and if baby is born will most likely not live long.
As Brad and Sherry sat in the abortion clinic waiting for the doctor to show up they heard John Barros preaching outside the clinic. Sherry had been struggling and telling herself for days that abortion would be the best thing for her baby. During the preaching they went outside to talk with John, shared the Lord was working in their hearts and came directly to CHOICES.
Sherry said that something did not feel right but she was scared. They were loved, cared for and valued by our professional staff, medical team and volunteers. When they saw their baby on the ultrasound they both cried and said, they are having this baby no matter what! They said they will be back to show us their baby!
Everyday moms and dads walk through our doors and everyday we are able to respond with all they need to make a healthy choice knowing the power of choice is fueled by the Holy Spirit! Thank you for partnering with us.
Vicky Mathews
Executive Director