I am often reminded at the end of a day how it feels impossible to describe all that we experienced. Recently a very abortion minded woman walked out of the restroom and said, “I don’t know what it is but while I was in there something happened. I know I absolutely need to have this baby.” Now that’s prayer at work!
On the same day we had a patient come in from Orlando Women’s Center where she had gone for an abortion and paid $700.00. During her visit to OWC she decided to go outside and speak with her boyfriend to tell him that the “doctor” would not be there for a few hours and they would have to wait. While outside waiting, some ladies approached her and talked with her. They informed her that she has options and referred her to us.
She went back inside and was informed that she could not get her full $700.00 back, and they would keep the $250.00 she paid for the ultrasound. Although very upset, she still decided to leave and come to CHOICES. When she arrived, she met with our Patient Advocate who greeted her with love and compassion. A recent move from another country and a 4-year-old caused this couple to choose abortion. Not that day! Because when they saw their 3-month-old baby on an ultrasound they chose LIFE!
The same day a woman came in who had been to another pregnancy center and chose life. In the last several months her boyfriend left her and now she felt abortion was her only solution. She believed we were an abortion clinic. God worked in a big way and when she met with the medical staff and met her 4-month-old baby on ultrasound, she chose LIFE!
Not all days are filled with changed lives. But all days are filled with an opportunity to see the Lord work through the power of your partnership! Thank you for loving moms and dads and babies that would have never been! Today you only know in part but someday you will know in full the impact of your partnership with CHOICES!

Vicky Mathews
Executive Director