December 2020

As we say so long to 2020 and hello to a NEW year, many babies have experienced their FIRST Christmas and New Years Day because of YOUR faithfulness. Moms, dads, grandparents, and friends who can’t imagine life any other way! YOUR generous support changed the outcome for 1,005 babies who have been saved and countless hearts transformed in this crazy COVID year!

Alana, born November 10


Valentina, born July 31


Oliver, born August 8


Lila, born July 3

What does every picture have in common? Each mother was considering ending her pregnancy and was either at an abortion clinic or on her way when she found CHOICES and made the BEST choice! Valentina’s mom said she was in a brand-new relationship and too young to have a baby. Alana’s mom had left working in a nightclub and said she could not afford another baby. Oliver’s parents were in school and said it was not the right time. Lila’s mom said her parents would kill her, and she can’t tell them.

Each one experienced a divine appointment at CHOICES. Each one said YES to life, love, and FIRSTS for their baby. The Holy Spirit is the only one who has the power to change a persons’ heart and when it comes to LIFE He shows up and uses our beautiful clinic, staff, volunteers, and YOU to bring hope to the hopeless.

This is a small glimpse into the lives you have invested in this year. We had 1,460 patients come through our doors, and 77% of them have chosen LIFE. We are thankful for YOUR incredible investment in these FIRSTS and God’s absolute plan for hope, and a future, for each child, mom, dad, and the families represented here. May you experience the true joy of giving as, every day, your investment is at work changing and saving lives! Thank YOU, and a very blessed NEW Year to you!

Until there are….




  • THANK YOU for your support to save MORE lives in 2021 at UCF with our 2nd clinic.
  • Our building is out of the ground and our estimated occupancy is summer 2021!

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