January 2021

As we begin a New Year, we see many signs of the seeds sown and the lives impacted in 2020. Let me introduce you to ‘Jose’, born January 31st. This precious life is here today because of you! Your investment is changing outcomes for those at a critical point in contemplating abortion.

‘Camila’ found herself at the abortion clinic nearby and was early for her appointment after driving two hours to get here. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and felt like abortion was her only option. John Barros, sidewalk evangelist, talked with her and referred her to CHOICES since she had to wait anyway.

Camila met with one of our advocates, who spoke her language. The advocate shared a similar story of her own unplanned pregnancy earlier in her life. Through tears, before she even saw the image of her unborn child on the ultrasound, Camilla said, “I can’t have the abortion.” Camila saw her baby on that ultrasound screen and began to recognize God was at work.

She was struck by the fact that her co-worker had been inviting her to church and sharing Jesus and she realized it was no mistake that she was early for that appointment and ended up meeting John in front of the abortion clinic and came to CHOICES instead. She said she was so grateful she found CHOICES and said, “there was a peace here”. Camila chose life! For herself and her preborn baby!

Along with this precious picture we received today, Camila said, “I have such a handsome son. We are all happy and all the problems are worked out. This baby brought joy to our lives. I thank God for putting CHOICES in my path.”

January 2021
We are thankful for YOUR partnership to empower moms, just like Camila, with far more than professional services. You offer these women the seeds of faith, the Gospel of Jesus, and the hope that is within us. Thank YOU, from those who will probably never meet you or know of the sacrifice you made to make this happen on this side of eternity. We know the One who knows the hope and future for this mom who will never regret finding CHOICES!

Until there are 0…

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