It’s so easy to think that the “good life” is what happens when life goes according to plan. And when our smoothly paved road hits a speed bump, we think our “good life” that we knew before the unexpected is in the rearview mirror. These speedbumps are the place where YOUR partnership offers help and hope. You empower women and men to see the good, not just in getting back to the life they had before, but by embracing life anew.
“Alli” and her husband had been happily married for 7 years when she realized that feeling sick and tired might indicate something wasn’t right. Her pregnancy test at CHOICES confirmed the unexpected. Alli shared that she had just returned to work after taking time to be home with their now 3-year-old son. She was happy to finally return to work and eager to embrace the possibility of advancing her career. To add to Alli’s conflict, her sister was desperately trying to get pregnant month after month. As the weight of her sister’s desperation got heavier, it spilled into the whole family. The timing left Alli feeling guilty, not only for being pregnant but also for entertaining the possibility of abortion.
Alli made a follow-up appointment for the next week. During her ultrasound, Alli shared with her nurse that her husband was excited when she initially told him but he began to backpedal. They agreed it was terrible timing for their good life to be derailed by the unexpected. Still conflicted, the nurse offered another ultrasound and encouraged Alli to bring her husband.
“When Alli was a no-show for her next appointment, her nurse reached out to check on her. Her nurse shared with Alli that her circumstances were not too big for God and that He was capable of making a way for her. She reminded Alli that she could still advance her career and have a good life, even if it looked different than she had imagined.
Alli called back and rescheduled her appointment. Now at 12 weeks, Alli and her husband looked at the ultrasound screen and chose life!
What you do matters! Thank you for investing in Alli and her husband. Not only for the future well-being of their child but for their family. Life may never be the same for us after we experience the unexpected, but it can still be a “good life.” Thank you for helping men and women who can’t see the “good” embrace the unexpected every day at CHOICES. I love that God never promises to take our old lives and put them back together just like they were, but on the other side of the unexpected, the result is a good life!
Until there are 0…
Vicky Mathews
Executive Director
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