May, 2023

No woman wants to have an abortion. She may think she wants one when it appears to be the only resolution to her circumstances. In a culture that says abortion is her “best” option, she may easily see it as her only option. After all, it is easily accessible through 15 weeks in Florida. Every day at CHOICES, you tell each woman and man who walks through these doors, “You are worth it.” And your gift speaks louder than words by providing the resources necessary to empower her to make a healthy decision like the 31 who chose life, so far to date, in May.

“Amanda,” 17, was confident she would lose her boyfriend and could not tell her parents if her pregnancy test was positive. When her boyfriend heard the potential risks of abortion that day, his immediate response was care and concern. Then, when they saw their baby on the ultrasound, Amanda’s determination to have an abortion evaporated. We prayed with them, and they took the next step to tell their parents. The parents she “could not tell” came back with her for the repeat ultrasound and made room in their hearts for their grandchild.

At 27, “Kara” was determined not to be a single mom, and knew the financial strain would ruin her. She was unhappy when she arrived, thinking we were an abortion clinic. We apologized for the misunderstanding, and she agreed to stay for a scan. Kara was shocked to see 2 babies on the screen and shared that her fiancé had been praying that someone in their family would have twins! As she left, she said, “I can’t thank you enough! What if I had gone to the abortion clinic?”

“Mia,” 23, already has 3 young children. Since her husband left, she has been raising them on her own. Seeing no other way, she decided to have an abortion. Although she had given her life to Christ a few years ago, her situation made her feel “invisible” to God. After some encouragement and prayer, Mia made another appointment and brought her boyfriend in for her repeat ultrasound. Together they chose life for their child, and we continue to help with additional support for this brave couple.

Thank you for offering hope, truth, and love as you speak loud and clear…telling her, “YOU ARE WORTH IT!” As abortion has increased in FL this last year by 3%, your gift is so vital as we continue to live out our passion for life. Thank you for being here in each moment, on the front line, to educate, empower, and bring the hope of Jesus.

Until there are 0…

CHOICES UPDATESMay 6 • Historical WALK FOR LIFE • $542,500

KISSIMMEE CLINIC Plans for Renovation at Permitting

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